Helping people learn life skills to last a lifetime.
We believe in you and want you to feel empowered in your life. We are here to help you get to where you want to go with life skill learning.
Life skills are the varied abilities that people develop to function and thrive in daily living. We learn them from our parents and families. We learn them from our teachers, friends, and neighbors. We learn them from books, movies, and media. We learn them from work, bosses, and co-workers. We learn them from travel and our personal experiences. And, we learn them from mentor relationships. Each day we are out in the world and in every relationship there are opportunities to learn life skills.
Life skills can also be seen as critical thinking skills - taking information in, processing it, and then taking positive action to achieve goals in one’s life.
Our mission at LifeSupportM.org is “teaching life skills to last a lifetime” and the way we do that is to design a mentorship relationship that helps you realize what life skills you already possess and to develop new ones to get to where you want to go - all while doing good works and community service around the globe. Let’s get you started!