Eric Poon – International Service Learning Mission

Dear Family and Friends,

We all come into the world with different abilities – but the question is, in what ways can we use them best?

My desire is to identify my abilities early and then use them to the fullest by being a lifelong learner full of curiosity, wonder, and appreciation, and by being a good citizen of the world through sharing my skills and strengths to help others achieve their goals and dreams.

As part of my journey as a lifelong learner, I have had the opportunity to be homeschooled for my entire educational life. This educational independence, exploration, and focus was deeply satisfying and brought me nearly straight A’s throughout my entire school career.

In addition to my schooling, and as a part of my early practice of being a good citizen of the world, I have also been involved in many volunteer opportunities that have helped shaped me: Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout 2017!), Marin Greek Festival, Chinese Cultural Center Chinese Lion Dancer, Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child, and Church Audio/Visual/Music Volunteer.

My educational and volunteer activities have molded me thus far, and now that I am a high school graduate, I am ready to go out into the world to do even more good works and gain greater life skills and life experience.

My family has given me their blessing for international travel and service work and I have found a sponsoring organization to help me set out on my mission.

My sponsoring organization is Their purpose is to help people learn life skills to last a lifetime. Through their “young people making good things happen in the world” youth mentoring program, I have been chosen as their 2017 youth internship representative where I am being guided and empowered to take a leadership role to create, plan, organize, fundraise, and embark upon my international service learning mission.

Throughout my service learning process, my task is exploration of cultures and human nature, discovering how academic theories and first-hand experiences go hand in hand, and then integrating and applying it into my life upon my return. Along the way, I will be journaling and collecting photographic images to help illustrate my inner and outer journey, which I will share with you in a blog site that is developing especially for me.
I will be on the road for approximately three months – here is where I will be going and what I will be doing:

Mexico – Ocean Life Conservation – with IFRE Volunteers

I will be working with a team of volunteers in a hands-on experience at an endangered sea turtle conservation camp in Mexico. The work includes monitoring nesting activity, cleaning nests, releasing the hatchlings to the ocean, environmental education classes, and collecting and recording data for future monitoring and analysis. Areas of learning will include biological sciences, community development, and language acquisition (Spanish). My team will live in a campsite setting and we’ll share in the preparation of our own meals along with our daily conservation duties.

Peru – Teaching English as a Foreign Language – with RCDP International

In Peru, I will be teaching English as a foreign language, 2-3 hours per day,
6 days per week, to children in the community. I’ll be using games, sports, plays, and debates to help the young people grasp the fundamentals of the English language. This highly interactive exchange will provide greater opportunities for further education for these children.

Argentina – Community Outreach and Development – with RCDP International

The idea is that through education the local organizations and the people can leave positive, healthy, and sustainable lives. I will work in administration and management, institutional development, and helping network with local government. Other work includes working directly with children in the community, assisting medical staff, organizing recreational activities, helping the kitchen staff, and helping at the public library.

To help get me to my destinations and for some expenses, I have been working at my job and saving my own money, I have been gifted some air miles by a close family member, and the founders of have offered a matching funds program as well. However, there are a few additional costs for air and ground transportation, the remainder of my service trip fees, supplies, communications, and travel emergency insurance that I’ll need help with.

I am incredibly excited about going into the world to become a responsible citizen and civic leader and any financial support that you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

If you wish to contribute, you can donate online, through the secure PayPal donation link at

Thank you for your care and generosity!


2017 Mexico Mission in Tecate


Mission on Sincerity Street